Detalhes da trilha sonora de A Christmas Carol

Silva Screen Records (distribuidora dos CDs das trilhas sonoras de Doctor Who) enviou recentemente ao site Doctor Who Online ( detalhes do CD com a trilha sonora de A Christmas Carol.

A capa pode ser vista acima e segue abaixo a tracklist:

  1. Come Along Pond
  2. Halfway Out of the Dark
  3. Pray for a Miracle
  4. Geoff
  5. You Didn’t Hit the Boy
  6. Fish
  7. Kazran Sardick 12 1/2
  8. Ghost of Christmas Past
  9. Babysitter
  10. Talk About Girls
  11. Sonic Fishing
  12. Just a Little One
  13. Big Colour
  14. I Can’t Save Her
  15. The Other Half’s Inside the Shark
  16. Abigail
  17. He Comes Every Christmas
  18. Shark Ride
  19. New Memories
  20. Holding Hands
  21. Christmas Dinner
  22. Goodlucknight
  23. Goodnight Abigail
  24. This Planet is Ours
  25. Ghost of Christmas Present
  26. The Course of my Life
  27. Ghost of Christmas Future
  28. Abigail’s Song (Silence is All you Know) – cantada por Katherine Jenkins
  29. Everything Has to End Some Time

O CD será lançado no Reino Unido no dia 21 de março custando £8.99.

Fonte: Doctor Who Online

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