Silva Screen Records (distribuidora dos CDs das trilhas sonoras de Doctor Who) enviou recentemente ao site Doctor Who Online ( detalhes do CD com a trilha sonora de A Christmas Carol.
A capa pode ser vista acima e segue abaixo a tracklist:
- Come Along Pond
- Halfway Out of the Dark
- Pray for a Miracle
- Geoff
- You Didn’t Hit the Boy
- Fish
- Kazran Sardick 12 1/2
- Ghost of Christmas Past
- Babysitter
- Talk About Girls
- Sonic Fishing
- Just a Little One
- Big Colour
- I Can’t Save Her
- The Other Half’s Inside the Shark
- Abigail
- He Comes Every Christmas
- Shark Ride
- New Memories
- Holding Hands
- Christmas Dinner
- Goodlucknight
- Goodnight Abigail
- This Planet is Ours
- Ghost of Christmas Present
- The Course of my Life
- Ghost of Christmas Future
- Abigail’s Song (Silence is All you Know) – cantada por Katherine Jenkins
- Everything Has to End Some Time
O CD será lançado no Reino Unido no dia 21 de março custando £8.99.
Fonte: Doctor Who Online
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